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Control head nut M24x1
Control head nut M24x1
24.95€ *

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Control head nut M24x1
Control head nut M24x1
18.95€ *

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Safety nuts - steering head nuts / steering nuts

On all motorcycles, the steering head bearing is the linchpin. Its condition and adjustment play a decisive role in steering and driving behavior. If it suddenly doesn't work with the fast cornering, it's usually not due to the rider's skills. In many cases, the bearing is defective or poorly adjusted. When the time comes to replace the old steering head bearing with a new one, you can replace the steering head nut with a stylish model from the TecBike online store. In our assortment you get

  • anodized steering head nut in different colors
  • Safety nuts ACMA made of aluminum from Gilles Tooling

for almostall common motorcycle types. Which steering head nut fits your bike, you can see in the respective product description under the tab "Suitable for motorcycle".

How to test the condition and adjustment of the steering head bearing

The steering head bearing has a really tough job: Every pothole mercilessly hammers the small rolling elements of the bearing, and when braking it has to withstand up to a ton of bending load. From this point of view, it's not surprising that many a steering head bearing gives up after just 20,000 kilometers.

In this case, there's only one thing left to do: replace it. Neutral steering behavior is only guaranteed if the bearing can perform its job with absolutely low friction and smooth running.

How do you check the steering head bearing?

A second hand is helpful for this work. The motorcycle is jacked up (please do not use a front wheel jack) so that the front wheel hovers slightly above the ground. If a main stand is available, the second person loads the rear wheel. You now grab the fork of your motorcycle with both hands at the lower end and move it jerkily back and forth.

Have you noticed any play? Then it is necessary to readjust thebearing. To do this, loosen the clamping screws under the triple clamp for the sliding tubes. The same applies to the large steering head nut of the upper triple clamp. The adjusting nut is located underneath the upper triple clamp. Tighten it slightly with a hook wrench. After this work, the bearing should be smooth and without play.

Part 2: Check the condition of the bearing

For this test, put the fork in the straight-ahead position. One after the other, gently tap your handlebars into a left turn, back into the straight-ahead position, and then into a right turn. All movements must be performed effortlessly and smoothly. If the fork is stiff, loosen the adjustment a little.

If you can feel detent points, this is a sign that the bearing needs to be replaced. Especially on older motorcycles, the steering head bearing still consists of ball bearings. Here, each ball only bears on a very small point. In the course of time, detent points work their way in. We therefore recommendconverting to tapered roller bearings. They bear over the entire length and are significantly more durable.

Steering head nut and steering head nut for motorcycles from Gilles Tooling

The extensive range in the TecBike online store offers you everything for the conversion and customization of motorcycles. For all products, we rely on quality and renowned manufacturers such as Gilles Tooling. For example, opt for the ACMA steering head nut. It is the proverbial icing on the cake on the steering head and draws with its noble look in anodized aluminum guaranteed to attract attention.

Safety nuts - steering head nuts / steering nuts On all motorcycles, the steering head bearing is the linchpin. Its condition and adjustment play a decisive role in steering and driving behavior.... read more »
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Safety nuts - steering head nuts / steering nuts

On all motorcycles, the steering head bearing is the linchpin. Its condition and adjustment play a decisive role in steering and driving behavior. If it suddenly doesn't work with the fast cornering, it's usually not due to the rider's skills. In many cases, the bearing is defective or poorly adjusted. When the time comes to replace the old steering head bearing with a new one, you can replace the steering head nut with a stylish model from the TecBike online store. In our assortment you get

  • anodized steering head nut in different colors
  • Safety nuts ACMA made of aluminum from Gilles Tooling

for almostall common motorcycle types. Which steering head nut fits your bike, you can see in the respective product description under the tab "Suitable for motorcycle".

How to test the condition and adjustment of the steering head bearing

The steering head bearing has a really tough job: Every pothole mercilessly hammers the small rolling elements of the bearing, and when braking it has to withstand up to a ton of bending load. From this point of view, it's not surprising that many a steering head bearing gives up after just 20,000 kilometers.

In this case, there's only one thing left to do: replace it. Neutral steering behavior is only guaranteed if the bearing can perform its job with absolutely low friction and smooth running.

How do you check the steering head bearing?

A second hand is helpful for this work. The motorcycle is jacked up (please do not use a front wheel jack) so that the front wheel hovers slightly above the ground. If a main stand is available, the second person loads the rear wheel. You now grab the fork of your motorcycle with both hands at the lower end and move it jerkily back and forth.

Have you noticed any play? Then it is necessary to readjust thebearing. To do this, loosen the clamping screws under the triple clamp for the sliding tubes. The same applies to the large steering head nut of the upper triple clamp. The adjusting nut is located underneath the upper triple clamp. Tighten it slightly with a hook wrench. After this work, the bearing should be smooth and without play.

Part 2: Check the condition of the bearing

For this test, put the fork in the straight-ahead position. One after the other, gently tap your handlebars into a left turn, back into the straight-ahead position, and then into a right turn. All movements must be performed effortlessly and smoothly. If the fork is stiff, loosen the adjustment a little.

If you can feel detent points, this is a sign that the bearing needs to be replaced. Especially on older motorcycles, the steering head bearing still consists of ball bearings. Here, each ball only bears on a very small point. In the course of time, detent points work their way in. We therefore recommendconverting to tapered roller bearings. They bear over the entire length and are significantly more durable.

Steering head nut and steering head nut for motorcycles from Gilles Tooling

The extensive range in the TecBike online store offers you everything for the conversion and customization of motorcycles. For all products, we rely on quality and renowned manufacturers such as Gilles Tooling. For example, opt for the ACMA steering head nut. It is the proverbial icing on the cake on the steering head and draws with its noble look in anodized aluminum guaranteed to attract attention.
